Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

It can NOT be overstated .....

Just say 𝙉🎯 to Vaxecutions 💉!

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

No NO no practice if a gun was at my head to force me to take the shot, I’d request the bullet. Nancy Reagan we need you now “just say no”

Think it best never give them any medical information nor go to a MD … 💊 now that we’ve taken the red pill.. it’s simple to understand why.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Shingles vaccines has FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

They won't tell you that part.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Black box warning is not GOOD. I used to sell chemotherapy one product had a Black Box Warning “ Bone Marrow Suppression”

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

When I go to the VA for my PCP appointments, they keep pestering me to get the shingles vaccine. And I keep telling them it has a black box warning.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

About eight years ago, I had the old Shingles' vaccine (The old shingles vaccine, Zostavax, contained a live, attenuated form of the varicella-zoster virus. ) I came down with shingles almost immediately after the vax and came down with Shingles about every 15 months for three years. The new shingles vaccine seems safe.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Wow...they must have given you a souped up dose.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

I asked my pharmacist to Super Size it. ;-)

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

I bet he didn't tell you the part where you could develop shingles from the shot.

The covid DeathVax has also triggered shingles...reported to VAERS by the folks who actually made the connection.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

The last time I had to pick up the relative at the Kaiser Permanent-e facility there was the table with 2 young ladies giving flu shots, and disturbingly large amount of flu shots addicts. in the queue... With lot of time to spare, I lined up in the queue and when the turn came, I just continued to ask questions:

-what are the ingredients in these shots?

-are these also the mod mRNA based genetically modifying mixtures like the covid shots?

-who manufactured those?

It was even more disturbing to see the faces of those 2 clueless injectors, who didn't know any answers....

Forgot to add, once they told me they have no information on it, and I should contact so & so, the last question was, how on earth they can inject something into those people, what they have no idea what's in it??? If people get injured, they will be responsible, physically....

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thank you for planting some seeds of doubt.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

I like seeds, A LOT. Sometimes they give something, sometimes not, it depends on what ground they fell....

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

The pharmacist at Walgreens seemed embarrassed to ask m e about various vaxxes, i said no thanks, she stated that is it automatically in their system to ask. She said they get paid for every vax they give

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

At ours, they have a table set up in the middle of the fresh produce section to set appointments for getting vaxxed at the pharmacy in the back. 🤮

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Scamdemic Harmacide?


DemoRats commit to genocide Joe?

Big Harma wants to kill, hence the moniker, big Harma...

Ask your doc tor....then run away screaming, ha ha...

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Wasn’t it Dubya who started the push for electronic medical records? Medicare got way more complicated under his watch too, if I’m not mistaken. Obummer just picked up the reins from him and started driving the ACA horse cart down the road. Giddyup, plandemic pony!

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

I have not taken any pHARMaceuticals in decades, and don't enrich Walmart at all in any way. So... I am not getting that crap. Haha! I will say... The "may" is for legal protection. That way They can claim that They did not recommend that You take it and it was Your choice if You do.

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Jun 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Addicted to a fix.

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