Lucious roses, I almost said practically edible and then remembered they were!

I'm about to break a rule I made for myself 3 minutes ago (but already saved me 3 responses): never argue with someone over their dogma, the thing they won't raise to question, whether that's veganism or Judeo-Christianity. But on the essays, there's a logic that doesn't add up. This dilemma was called The Theodicy Triangle by 17th c. theologians. Three things can't be all true: God is all-good, God is all-powerful, evil exists. If God is all-good, why would he create evil? If evil exists without him creating it, then he's not all-powerful. The only way in which an all-good and all-powerful God is logically possible is if evil doesn't exist.

This possibility is what I explore on some of my YT's: The Theodicy Triangle: https://youtu.be/h-z8qDYrrfg and Kali & Ultimate Reality: https://youtu.be/-w8v7xr5WY8 and What is the Matter? https://youtu.be/KFXxrARtIkc. I think the only Substack where I go into it is this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/forgiving-hitler. Okay, back to things coming up roses!

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this is all about “Free Will.” it is a tech-leveraged epic battle to gain control of our minds in order to remove God from our hearts. God warned humans but they ignored His warnings about the evil, where this would inevitably lead.

the first rose is “Eden,” the second “The Pilgrim”… this was a “coincidence?”

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

God's goodness includes freewill. He's simply, in his goodness, not interested in love slaves. He wants every piece of his creation to love him freely of their own volition. In order for that goodness to be possible a real alternative to loving God was created by God. God said even he could never take freewill away from anyone.

This includes angels, of course. Satan chose not to love God but to love himself. So he chose evil for himself which is the opposite of love. It's hate. He became evil itself. When Adam and Eve chose their own will, or themselves, over God's will, which is all encompassing love, they chose evil. Or hate. Selfish motive is always hateful and always results in evil. Evil is created through choice. Freewill. Loving motive is self-sacrificing, is a choice and always results in love. It all comes to choice.

Choose wisely. God is real.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Who created your capacity to choose good over evil? If you had been dropped into the body and circumstances of Pol Pot, for instance, would YOU have chosen differently? If the YOU who would choose differently isn't something you made, then God is unfair because God made YOU into someone who'd choose to do good no matter the circumstances. If you'd do the same as Pol Pot if born into his body, then life is unfair. You haven't created yourself, God created you. If you created your ability to choose good, no matter who you were born as, then you're taking the place of God. You created yourself in all the ways that matter. I am all-good because I am exactly as God created me, and so are you and everyone else.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

God created all my potentialities including the ability to choose. He gave me discernment in order to make the best choices I can. He gives me the greatest example the world has ever known to follow, Jesus Christ, into eternal life. He gave me the Holy Spirit to guide me. The list can go on and on with the blessings I have been given. Not because I am deserving or because I gave myself my own life, but because I am His. Because I chose to give myself to Him.

I am not Pol Pot and don't know what his heart contained. His life was his own as were his circumstances and the choices he made. Would I have done differently? I'll never know. I pray I would have, but I don't know for a certainty.

If I am reading what you wrote correctly, it seems you think a person is fated by God and their circumstances to live the life they live. That it's predetermined.

While I am sure God knows everything He loves us so much He allows us the full experience of living our lives. To choose good or evil. That doesn't make me God. It makes me loved by God.

What you are saying is that everyone is all good. Again, if I'm reading you correctly? Then why did God send Jesus? What need do we, if we are all good, have for a Savior?

I've done both good and bad in my life. If you've lived an unblemished life and have been all-good, then you are the only person to ever live besides Jesus who has done so.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Well, I should listen to my own advice in the first comment on this thread--never try to change someone's dogma. Your logic, however, doesn't hold up. If God created your potential and discernment to choose good because you're loved by God, then the potential and discernment of those who choose 'evil' was also created by God because God doesn't love them.

Yes I am saying that we're all good and that when we do harmful and destructive things to each other it's because of a mistaken belief that we're already doomed and there's no point in trying. By blaming others rather than asking, "What could have caused me to do the same?" you continue to keep us stuck in this cycle of destruction. IMO.

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listening to everyone 🌱

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

I wrote that God created all my potentialities. To choose good or evil. He gave me free will. I never said he only created the potential for me to choose good since that would be no choice at all. It doesn't make sense that I would say that and I didn't.

Sounds like you are accustomed to taking your own advice. You assume I have a "dogma". Do you know what the word means? My logic holds up. You are twisting it so you can stick with your own advice. Which is fine by me. A closed system like a terrarium can survive for a long while.

There are people in this world who embrace evil. They are not all mistaken in their beliefs and think they are doomed. That's a narrow criteria for the answer as to why people choose evil.

Jesus told us to hate the sin not the sinner. I never said or implied God doesn't love anyone.

I don't blame anyone for my actions. I don't have the power to keep "us" stuck in any cycle much less one of destruction.


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The roses are lovely. As for the essays - I get what she is saying, and it's true that occultism is being used by nefarious characters to lend power to their schemes - but I don't believe everything esoteric is inherently evil, just because 21st century American conservative Protestants aren't comfortable with it. In fact, I have read people who have studied divination and the like who AGREE with Crissi that there are dark powers trying to use any means to cement their position, and that good people who love this Creation are in a spiritual warfare with the technocrats, who HATE life, humanity, and power beyond their wickedness. As an old Southern Pentecostal friend once said to me, about allies in unexpected places - "well, the Lord did say 'I have sheep ye know not of'".

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May 29, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Wow, such beauties! 😍

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May 29, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

beautiful roses.

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May 29, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Your Are Always A Blessing, kitten.


Have A Great Holi-Day !

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thanks for the plug on George Webb 😹

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May 29, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Very nice. Thank you.

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Thank You For The Share {Dispatches from Reality} ksa.

Interesting Podcast.

I'll Read some of their Writings, when I get a freakin' free moment.


Have A Great Day !

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May 30, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Well Earned, For YOU !


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May 30, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Thank you for the beautiful pictures, as they are always so beautiful in your secret garden!

I'll try to find time to read the essay's soon too.

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