When I ran against Gravel threesome Gruesome Gavin Newsom in 2007 he was banging kimfole who now is doing Donald jr.

Also gruesome was banging his campaign managers wife, but that was because of the cocaine.

ScKamala took my business away and put me into jail because, democracy.

Solitary isolation reduces the size of your brain, but I wasn't using mine anyway

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Gruesome's utter lack of a moral compass in so many areas is a fright exceeded only by California voters apparent willingness to elect him again and again. Cheating on one's spouse is bad enough, yet it takes an extremely rare despicability to cheat with the wife of one''s best friend. That tells us everything we need to know about the man right there! Thank you for linking to this article about this most gruesome case of adultery.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Do not think We vote for the slime. ALL controlminds (governments) from towns to countries are for-profit corporations, all owned by the same Ones, that appoint Their CEO's and other officers. "Elections" are to retain the illusion We have a say.

What We see is an intricate and long-crafted play or circus designed to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us. And if We see Them in the "news" (ALL listed as "entertainment" corporations, and owned by the Ones who own the controlminds), They are part of the play.

Humanity Beset (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/humanity-beset

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

"Do not think We vote for the slime. ... "Elections" are to retain the illusion We have a say. What We see is an intricate and long-crafted play or circus designed to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us. And if We see Them in the "news" (ALL listed as "entertainment" corporations, and owned by the Ones who own the controlminds), They are part of the play.

Excellent comment. I just subscribed to your stack.

I have long believed that California was largely controlled -- mafia-like -- by the Browns, Newsoms, Gettys, and Pelosis for decades. But there's so much more to California that it boggles my mind!

I'm from New Jersey, admittedly a place of LESSER significance, when compared with California.

I've learned some info, in the last year or so, about how extremely important heavily militarized California is to the Controllers, a.k.a. "the Ones.".

Now i tell anyone who is open enough to listen: one we MUST understand the HISTORY of California in order to understand the present day crises in the United States AND the world. In other words, one cannot understand our current predicament if one fails to appreciate California's significant role including, but not limited to, the triple nexus of techno-enslavement that is (1) "Silicon Valley," (2) Stanford University, and the (3) nearby high-level bankers (criminals) providing all of the funding for the ongoing enslavement.

I do believe strongly that my place of residence (NJ) has widespread voter fraud. I have suspected for at least a decade now that so does California (have extreme voter fraud) but I have no proof, which is why I just said "California voters apparent willingness."

"The intellect is always fooled by the heart."

~ Richard D. Hall quote at the closing credits of "The True Story of Madeleine McCann - a film by Richard D. Hall"


Truly it seems to me now that EVERY MAJOR NEWS reported during my lifetime has been A PACK OF LIES! My intellect has been fooled so many times that I've lost count from 'if we can put a man on the moon' to the People's Temple Agricultural Project, and before i was even born. The list is endless ...

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Indeed the list is tediously endless! This article I found explains so much:

A Look at History and Rome Today: https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/10/23/the-papal-bloodlines-black-nobility-crime-families/

Sorry it's on Wordpress, not SS... LOL!

Yes, the "reality" We live in is far from reality.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Good link Kitten.

The answer is that the porn star was advantaged either way.

Wife betrayed in the trump case but porn star not betrayed but got to do some betraying

The porn star was in a financial arrangement.

The other is two betrayals.

And the Newsome seems to think that it's because he's sexy, judging by the look on his face.

Only good news is that the Newsome appeared to have drunk the koolaid with the palsy showing.

What was his cure for that?

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

That was a bold and brave attempt Grasshopper; thank you for trying.

You can see that a grasshopper gets mowed down by TPTB.

I applaud you for bouncing back.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

I'm just so glad I left California. Loved it while I lived there. But they ruined it.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

The new role models are not looking too good.

I guess that the new women are ultra in your face sexy.

The new men - not so much sexy, if one admires strength, it's quite lacking.

Thank you for posting the whole curriculum thing. Not easy to read on my phone but I get the gist. Trying to put down the traditional male role.

So who's to take such a role? Obviously no one.

I tend to think that men in the country will be can-do type men; but latterly I have found their moral code has slipped. Unappreciated, a quality fades away.

Here's a new thought: Masonic Lodge members have been singled out as occultists or some such. Not from my experience; they upheld the duty to be reliable members of society, with high expectations of honest conduct. They valued a reputation for honesty, fair dealing, and not being racist or prejudging.

In my small town upbringing that's what I observed.

In my working life I experienced a lot of the glass ceiling for women so embraced feminism for a while and almost missed out on motherhood.

It's actually a big strain on women having to do all the men's work as well as the women's work.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

I actually like my men strong in every sense of the word! What's toxic about a man being a MAN!?

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The Masons and the Rosicrucians have been condemned for their mild attempts to make people introspective and wise. Magic is nothing more than science that hasn't been acknowledged.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Guess the next in line of tasks for the Feminist Cabal will be public castrations and private emasculation. Nasty.

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Why do parents put up with this? It’s your own kids folks. This is what the 2nd is for, all else having failed. Band together and stop this

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Home school

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by kitten seeking answers

They are now pushing for back ground checks for homeschooling parents. It will not be fought against and it will come to be just like all the rest of the craziness we didn’t fight against.

Besides, many areas do not allow home schooling. Japan, where I live, doesn’t. And here, for some insane reason, they just import stupid ideas on education from the US.

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Jul 1Liked by kitten seeking answers

That's a shame. I'm old enough to remember when Japanese schools were the best in the world and Japanese children were among the smartest.

Is the woke mind virus bad there too?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by kitten seeking answers

I’m not sure that Japanese schools ever did earn this reputation. If they did, there would be no need for the cram school industry, which is not new. Cram schools were not as universally utilized in past generations ago as they are now, but they have been around for quite some time.

The only way to fail and need to repeat a school year during primary school is to not attend the minimum required number of classes. Academic achieve or lack there of plays no part what so ever in who moves up to the next grade and who does not. There may be special schools that this is not true in, but my medical students are shocked to learn that when I went through elementary school in the States, each school saw at least one of my classmates flunk and for there to be one or more students in my new grade who are repeating from the year before. The most important thing for my medical and college students here is attendance. Attendance accounts for between 10% to 30% of the overall grade of college students at the various schools I have taught at here. My students are shocked to learn that attendance is not taken in college classes in the States. Of course, things may have changed in the US since I left there in 2000.

Education here performs two major tasks, beat conformity and propriety into its students. And we in the West have little idea of what propriety means by comparison to the Japanese. They believe that each and every human interaction has a single, correct way or reaction. It takes a lifetime of indoctrination to learn these. Thus, common sense is a moral requirement here. Lacking common sense is a moral failing.

A book has been written on much of this quite some time ago. Going from memory, its title is “Japanese Higher Education as Myth.” I read that before I started teaching at med school here and thought it must be different in such schools, nope.

All that said, if the purpose of education is to prepare students for their working lives and their lives in society, then the Japanese school system does its job admirably.

I am no fan of the educational system here.

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Jul 1Liked by kitten seeking answers

So sad to hear that Japan has also lost so much of its traditional values.

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Collectivism in Japan is as old as Japan itself. Arguably, older.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by kitten seeking answers

I mean the weird trans agenda and pedophilia etc.

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Yes, the LGBTQWTFO agenda is here. It was this issue that I long expected to cause the great friction between my employers and myself. Never expected masks to be the issue instead.

Even though I was long on the lookout for it making landfall, I was shocked to learn that it did so years ago and has taken root. My first run in over it was a 1st year medical student telling me that I can not using the binary gender system to refer to patients. Or anyone for that matter. That was in 2018 or 19. I have since found texts books referring to different aspects of this nonsense that were published before this. I have written about this on my substack, which is free.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

My only issue with this post is calling Our children "kids..." They initiated the labeling to that of baby goats - They sacrifice goats, after all, and if We are goats... They have no issues sacrificing Us.

Beyond that, well constructed!

For any reader, I go into the "education" today in this article:

When I Was Growing Up (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/when-i-was-growing-up

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updated for your suggested change, thank you for the recommendation.

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers


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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

What we have here are textbook diabolical narcissists. If you don’t know who these people are I recommend doing some research 🧐. Very slippery, nasty, and dangerous people. Pax

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Lots of new perspectives here Kitten.

I don't know what the "Hustle" photo means.

"First Partner" ; what does that mean; is she his current favourite "wife"? Or more like first people, or first love,. Obviously a new term being coined.

Why is the First Partner so keen to show her breasts under a butter would not melt in her mouth perfect face?

In the cartoon type image of the First Partner and winsome Newsom, why is she clutching her garment and what is Winsome wearing? A tie tucked away ( the tie used to be a masculine symbol- maybe a bit phallic) and a knitted vest under a nautical blazer.

A mixture here of cosy feminine knitting and a navy uniformity.

Hope someone can help me out here.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

•hustle slang meaning generally unscrupulously prostituting oneself for monetary gain (millions on the curriculum/program.)


•”first partner” replaces traditional “First Lady”, implying normalization of “same sex” relationships.

• these individuals are eager to sexualize themselves and your kids as is the United Nations curriculum. their goal for your kids is sex without procreation, they are obsessed with this as they see it as necessary to achieve Net Zero (population collapse)




• cartoon imagery hand symbol reference to “gay” individual (back in the day, maybe there are other signs now)

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Thank you for the edification Kitten.

Not that I want to learn the newspeak exactly. LOL

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

This is ghastly oppressive bull crap that is complete course in misandry. How are our children going to survive this to become normal adults and live happy lives?

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Jun 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Is that her in the first shot? It is right? What's going on there? What happened to her lip?

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apparently mohs surgery scar. interestingly all the other pictures out there have no scar, makeup or what?

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I found it difficult to read this entire curriculum. Just shocking and appalling

Now the world is telling us what we are supposed to be?

Yes, I guess so.

This is utter lunacy. I am disappointed for our future.

I guess it is true, we old timers are just not part of this new future of ridiculous.

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There is no question: Jennifer Newsom has some fabulous knockers and is a good counterpart for the lovely Gavin Newsom. Of course, the two of them do not have one brain between them.

Still, American elections have been about beauty ever since JFK ran for office. She could be the replacement for the old moron in the White House.

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