Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Wow, Kitten, that's made me cry it;s so beautiful and such an insight into your father. I'm glad you loved him so much, he looks a truly lovely man. You have some wonderful memories of him XXX

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a wonderful tribute to your dad, and such a precious picture of you both. An amazing man...Butler too. Astonishing the sacrifices our parents made for us. So moving...I just hope that tears are helping us to detox? They seems to be flowing these days. 💖

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Great Dad Story!! To be a natural citizen born here, we don’t realize how lucky we are. That Senator who helped your Dad shares my Birthday 🥳 nice history lesson.

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Jul 5Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a wonderful tribute to your father and a great uplifting story of his spirit and his love for America in spite of the hurdles that the government put in front of him Thanx for sharing kitty 👏😀

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Now people just stream in.

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Jeezus fucking Christ! Who are we? “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddling masses, yearning TO BE FREE!!!!!!”

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

American are a mixture of good bad and ugly largely unaware of events and policies occurring around us in the struggle of daily life. Perhaps we are now able to perceive the complexities and informing our consciousness and consciences. Sisterly love.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a great tribute to your father, thanks, Kitten, purrfect! I'm curious, how do you think your father would feel about how in the last 4 years the jeWnited Snakes of Israel government controlled, puppet, Biden, just nonchalantly opened all our borders up, to at least 30-40 million Illegal Aliens? I think the jews are giving each of them at least $2000 a month!

I bet he wouldn't have approved of this jew controlled invasion! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌 Om Swastyastu!!!🕉!!! My blessings to you!


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Jul 8Liked by kitten seeking answers

Lovely sad/happy story with a happy ending 😻

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Jul 5Liked by kitten seeking answers

The bureaucratic nightmare that is legal immigration and all things related to it are legion. I think this is intentionally done to divide the population. I have a friend who entered the USA at 6 years old with his family after an Earthquake in Nicaragua. He's in his 50's now and he served with the US Marine Corps. And...he's still not a US citizen (having to renew his green card every time). In the current atmosphere so little sympathy is given to these true stories of inflicted by government hardship. One can logically assume that if a person has been in the USA for years or decades, has a family, a home, a job et cetera here, that they probably do not have any of those things in their country of origin anymore or in whatever last point in desembarkation they came from. I think this is intentionally obscured to break up families in legalese. Kudus to your father...I hope you had a good Independance Day...

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Jul 5Liked by kitten seeking answers


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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Great picture of you and your Dad!!

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a lovely tribute.

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a sweet and harrowing story. If US foreign policy and corporations didn't make life in other countries a living hell, there would be no need to restrict immigration. People love the places they're from and love to travel, but most want to return. And as many would find new homes and possibly loves 'there' and would from there to here.

The ability of money and goods to cross borders is inversely proportionate to the ability of people.

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Jul 4Liked by kitten seeking answers

Purrrrrrrr! Thank you for all the insights, he lives on in your heart here ❤️

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Sep 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a lovely tribute, kitten. The frustrations of inhumane bureaucracy your father had to endure.

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Sep 17Liked by kitten seeking answers

Beautiful. Friend I feel you.

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