May 23·edited May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

No doubt that by now anyone can realize that there is a group of activists whose goal is to keep the world glued to the phone or computer screen. this means addiction, distraction while the real things are happening outside. comparatively, it's like with all "environmental activists' campaigns, paid by the "elites" to scream against them but also "how dare you" to live how you want, you, you people are guilty, because somebody decided what is too many people and guilty to breathe. the dogs bark, the bear moves on. So what if we find out things, what if we are presented with evidence, documents, materials... nothing major happens. and this should be food for thought. stop WHO, get out, we sue, we do this and the other, you are asked to participate, sign petitions...but it is known that you cannot change anything. everything so that everything takes place quietly, ok, we stay quiet, look, others take care of everything, they even speak in the parliaments of the world, others say that they are suing the big organizations, we won, we didn't won, is a virus, is a bioweapon, is not a virus, is gof, is not, we are for freedom but we are leftists, china is quilty, US is quilty, so what, this vax is not good but the others are, we are cenzored but MS tv channels sometimes present us, let's write some books so what if the things are not clear or done, we are experts etc. BS. Theatre. More than four years...people should know that they are each one on their own, nobody else will save them and think hard to unite with each other , not with the so called "influencers". the phenomenon of "influencers" is like a rubber band that stretches too much and at some point it is impossible not to hit you in the eye..

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers


Yes. Absolutely.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

What's the word for it when you don't agree with either side because they're both psyops? I have a draft on Sasha's daughter Soph where I did some deep research, mostly watching her videos from when she was a young YT star--which she definitely was. She's scary smart, which I mean in both senses. Her videos were edgy, to put it mildly. She did one in a yarmulke and side-locks where she talked about 'why does this matzo taste like iron?' and whether Jews killing and eating babies was true. In another, she's Muslim. In one, she's a white trash anti-vax Appalachian mom of 4 and a half kids who only gives them the good stuff--heroin--not vaccines.

A young girl with an extraordinarily foul mouth got a lot of followers, especially because she is whip-quick in repartee. I suspect she might have been the reason that YT put in age restrictions for monetized content--for which Soph threatened the CEO of YT in a video where she says she knows where she lives and is coming for her, so she should get her affairs in order. There was also a school incident where she had done a vicious take-down of another girl, and wondered why these moms had nothing better to do than spy on her.

I don't think Sasha lives with Trotterman, unless he's her second husband? It seemed that Soph has a brother she doesn't live with but that's just gleanings from the videos, some of which I think she did with her brother.

In the end, I didn't know that it was relevant to Sasha. And if Soph is the same person she was at 14. I'm posting this to give more context but not turning it into a note or an episode, unless there seems to be a reason. I put all these people on a continuum from wary to definite psyop (Malone). It's curious that I started digging because Sasha didn't 'like' a comment I'd made, which seemed deliberate because she had liked one responding to me. I also think her personal style can be harsh. But I haven't found anything she's said, when I was still reading, that made me feel she was pulling something over on us.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

or trust your gut feeling and pray that it is guiding you properly... To recognize 'strange' people is sometimes enough to listen CAREFULLY to every sentence they speak. At certain moments you will 'catch' them and their 'ideas''....

Malone and Latypova were (from day no 1)/are like Biden/Trump (had Tuump first, almost like tupe..), 2 sides of the same coin.

Btw. Totterman is german..., and Latypova, ukrainian.... What a duo middle in the explosion zone.

Sorry, listening too much to the RIP Robin Williams. To make a joke one has to judge, and one shouldn't...

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

The world is a stage ...

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

the world is at stake, by the STAKEholders.

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

Bottom line here is do your own research and form your own opinions. Nobody is perfect, especially me.

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

Controlled opposition are the friends we made along the way.

I'm one to believe that cream doesn't always rise to the top. History is filled with inventors, especially those around superior power sources, who had mysterious things happen to them. If an idea or person does get to the top I believe there should be a, "Trust but verify" approach toward such individuals including myself when I get there. "Nerve & Muscle is a Psyop!!!!" Ahhhhhh I can hear it now.

One question I like to ask is what idea is the individual or group proposing and is it a threat to the status quo? Does the idea bring about more agency for the average pleb or less?

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I have been listening to Sasha since the covid debacle started. So far Sasha has never set off any red flags for me. She seems to nail it pretty good.

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hmmm...Plebeian is also bagging down on Yeadon too, for whom I much respect, for being affiliated with Pfizer and selling a company. Yeadon is very direct and honest about his past affiliations with the pharma industry and this gives him even more credibility in my eyes.

Because after all he has said about those people he knowingly destroyed what may have been left of his career. Yeadon strikes me as above honest.

He is also bagging down on Frances Leader. Frances has always struck me as honest and smart.

My opinion....plebeian is either an intentional shit stirrer or doesn't understand what is going on in this world and how it all works. I don't know but I don't agree with him.

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Wow, it's getting bitchy out there! At least you can research Mike Yeadon, Sacha and Frances Leader as they have names. Frances varies in her opinions from Mike's but is genuine imo, as is Mike Yeadon. I don't know who Richard Seager is tbh and hadnt previously heard of him but is he just scrabbling around trying to dish the dirt? Is he working for a dubious organisation? I don't know! What is his background? And

what is yours, Kitten? And what is your real name? Anybody can write anything under a pseudonym. At this stage there should be transparency

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you are free to unsubscribe if you wish, I take no prisoners here.

I aim to tell it as it is no matter who finds the news uncomfortable.

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These kinds of posts always send people into orbit around Neptune! People have these sacred cows they are emotionally invested in and flip out if anyone questions those assumptions. My post about Sasha and Sabrina had the longest comments thread of anything I ever put up and it was a lot of extremely rankled, unhappy campers, some of which very noisily unsubbed. Don't give an inch Kitten. Just stay true to who you are and what you believe is true.

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

I'd rather not, if you can put up with me. I am seeking answers too

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May 23·edited May 23Author


by the way, I consider Frances a good friend!

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

Oh great! Thanks for telling me! I don't agree with all she says but quite a bit of it. It's a case of getting as many opinions as possible and trying to find a way through the maze.

Thanks Kitten x

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

Frances, like any of us, may not always be right, but she is honest and fierce.

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

That's why I got so pissed off because thats exactly how I see her. A force for the good

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers

Pseudonyms may make readers nervous, but they allow a lot of truth telling and whistle blowing without personal attacks.

I get that they can be used for the opposite reasons, but asking someone to give up their pseudonym on their personal stack is ridiculous

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The biggest shills on X and other social media all have those blue checks next to their names. Turning the choice of anonymity into an issue is a wrong turn. The people making those comments ought to try actually being targeted by the federal government for harassment for 20 years like I have been. The controlled opposition has no worries in that regard so most of them put everything out there.

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May 23Liked by kitten seeking answers


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May 24Liked by kitten seeking answers

What hair triggers and antsiness (if that is a real word). I agree with your assessment.

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May 24Liked by kitten seeking answers


And f it isn't a word, it should be! 🐜🐜🐜

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