Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

If the poll was strictly garden specific, I chose visual.

And my yard edges are overrun with forget-me-nots in the spring. One of my fav flowers. 💠💠💠

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

I couldn't narrow it down. I start with visual as I gather all of my goodies to prepare, I then go to touch as begin to prepare them, of course then comes the scent of the aroma flowing at me as it bastes in all it's flavors readying me for a scrumptious meal, then the auditory sort of as the timer sounds off warning it may be ready and to start any last minute additions, ahhhh then of course must be my favorite as I get to taste the scrumptious benefits of my labor umm ummm yummmy

Not that my senses are limited to food or anything, I just happen to enjoy it!

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💝wonderfully summarized 💝

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Stunning, I like all the senses really but the sight of your beautiful garden and beautiful plants is the attraction that draws me in, the poem made my heart smile. Respect & X 2 All

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Beautiful Kitten! Thank you for sharing, had first salad tonight from the winter greenhouse experiment ❤️. Lovely but felt like a killer cutting the new fresh leaves, spinach, kale and collards.

My sister sent me this little kitten short tonight 😂.


Enjoy 😘

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author


the salad sounds delicious… making me think about planting some too!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

You're Wonderful kitten !!!

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

🌼very beautiful 🌼

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

What a beautiful garden, Kitten.

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Wow, your roses are so stunning they are otherworldly! I couldn't pick a sense. I feel each are important, inside the garden and out. Although I don't make a habit of randomly tasting plants I don't know, haha. Happy Thanksgiving!💜

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The first yellow rose looks like Austin's Golden Celebration. The fragrance of it is unbelievable. I have it blooming right now as well. Your garden must be amazing! Always enjoy a peek. I'm actually pea green with envy over the Agastache. They all fail here because of the humidity.

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looking up the parentage of Golden Celebration, it looks like maybe it gets its fragrance from Abraham Darby which has an amazing fruity fragrance … we gardeners always want the difficult ones, have never been successful with (wish list) gardenias which probably would love humidity 💝

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

so gorgeous,,,ty

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Beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing them. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well

Miss Kitten! 😁

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

So lovely.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

I had no idea it was thanksgiving!

I wish you a great one and thank you for your kind words and support!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

There is no denying what Lee said. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the both of you - and to all that remember to slow down and live.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

this may be one of those answers that you are seeking:


maybe you have visited that area of research before?

a great writer who ties the "quantum" aspects of reverence to Creator is here, this book utterly changed the way I view my existence:


As a fellow gardener/farmer and custodian of nature i am aware of the demiurge whom humanity has displaced, i am of the opinion that "they" (the evil in this world) have cooerced this displaced demiurge to their cause, with the promise of humanity caged in 15 minute cities and the wilds returned to them (apart from occasional hunting sprees by the "elite" in helicopters to deal with rogue bands of healthy, fit released slaves), as a farmer it has always been obvious to me the coexistence with the indigenous demiurge is imperative, being English this comes naturally, the displaced caucasians in am-er-ica and aus-tral-ia would of course be at at natural disadvantage...from.. the ...start? Hence the levels of insanity in those places?

This is essential and highly academic/non biased reading on the subject, focuses on the pacts we once had with afore mentioned demiurge, living as i do in a very ancient/natural/rural area of England (Devon once part of Wessex) i can vouch for much of what he writes.

Much folk lore exists and is adhered to in the older farming community, "newer age" folk round here refer to them as "elementals", they have as much right to life as We do, but it is important to remember "we have all been decieved"


as we move ever swiftly toward what would seem to be the initial preparations of "burnt offering" at Al Aqusa and the prescribed ritual period leading (they hope) toward "satans man" being throned, the impetus on Us to up our game and also realise how much of where we seek solace has been set in our path, knowing that We would find it and not all of it is.... as it seems?

challenging concepts here:


well worth reading his other articles espec the previous relating to the April 8th 2024 eclipse over "utopia" Texas

i have become shocked to see the pro "israel" narrative seep into various substacks, text being "hamas terrorists"/"israel forces", a fundamental binary and one that has been prepared for us, that includes those who have prepared such locations for us... sad to say

keep on kittening and tend that Garden, it is our connection and grounding set aside from the madness of the "outside" world, a writer i have recently discovered speaks (convinicingly) of a bifurcation, a splitting of the ways, this concurs with much i have read and heard elsewhere, wheat/tares

many Souls have already made their decision, via fear, cooercion and open threat to go with the dark into the "new realm prison reality" that the dark have created for them, things for those of who have chosen the harder path will be challenging, but our Gardens show to us that seasons come, seasons go

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

Ahhh yes, I did not Forget the ever so Beautiful Forget me not's this article was all about, and lovely story behind it. Thanks for sharing that and always for the pictures of your garden, although we could see a few of those Kittens it's named after too.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by kitten seeking answers

I chose visual. Great post, cheered me up.

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