Thank you for your detailed look into this important topic. I have been working on methods for the elimination of child trafficking for many years. Back in 2017 my associate Dan Sullivan and I found a large number of these unreasonably expensive 'items' on Wayfair under their "East Urban Home" collection, including "hand knotted rugs" featuring faces of tortured teens, low cost storage cabinets for office use marked at tens of thousands of dollars, and so forth. Another researcher who was at the time still able to post on YouTube (account since wiped) was able to download a worldwide list of missing children names and cross-referenced against the Wayfair online catalogue. A disturbingly large number of the names were found associated with one-of-a-kind expensive office furniture items that looked like they should retail new for $200 and were listing at $15,000 and above.

It's a very difficult topic because there is a great deal of obfuscation and confusion about the work, the people involved, and so forth. The recent film "Sound of Freedom" does some good in terms of shining a light on the nature of some aspects of the problem. However, as ugly and terrible as child sex trafficking is, and as heinous and evil as that part of the activity is, there is also a substantial market for torture, murder, cannibalism, and demon sacrifice of the innocent. These parts of the activity are much less spoken of and often evidence relating to them is scrubbed by local authorities. People do not want to look directly at some things.

Another recent event that is worth mentioning is the release of the data contents of Anthony Wiener's laptop. The video file he named "Frazzledrip" is relevant. It shows Huma and Hillary torturing a young girl, flaying the skin off her face, wearing it in front of her to terrorise her, then killing her and drinking her blood which had elevated levels of adrenochrome. Quite a few people believe that Hillary's odd behaviour during the stressful 2016 campaign was symptomatic of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease brought on by cannibalism. There is also a school of thought that the Biden laptop was "leaked" in the peculiar series of events associated with it, complete with rigourous denial of its authenticity, to deflect attention from the Anthony Wiener laptop.

One of the groups closely associated with demon worship and child sacrifice is the freemasons cult. It was ostensibly founded in 1717 although there are people who believe it originated much further back. It has been strongly opposed by Mother Mary through her Militia Immaculata. The freemasons are Gnostic heretics, following some aspects of the Cathar heresy, and were responsible for hiring Karl Marx to write his work, for funding through Wall Street bankers and lawyers such as Allan and John Foster Dulles the work of Hitler, funding through Jacob Schiff and others the work of Lenin and Stalin, and generally being responsible for most of the wars since 1890. Detailed analysis by Antony Sutton in his books if you wish further reading on the financial aspects of the matter.

To say that there is a very powerful group of men and women who are up to their necks in the blood of children would be one way to describe things as they stand. It is for these reasons that God has the intention of inflicting a great chastisement. This is written in Malachi chapter 4, the last words of the last prophet in the last book of the Old Testament:

“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty. “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”

I have been told that these events are also described in Isaiah chapter 30:25-26, "In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill. The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted."

So I have been praying this prayer:

Eternal Father please help us to free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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The Wayfair strangeness was discovered by a collective of intrepid YT channels that came across the information in some strange ways. Leading many to finally believe it was an intentional "drop" to deflect from the horrifying reality.

The "Frazzle Drip" video is another psyop.

Basically you are gossiping. If you enjoy gossip, Bitchute is rife with videos containing it and welcomes it.

I am NOT in any way saying the horrors of child sexual abuse do not exist or should be ignored, but if people keep falling for psyops and promoting them as "true stories" when they are lies, the children who are suffering will not be helped since the majority of people will use any excuse to look away from the actual problem.

The Sound of Freedom is another psyop. All anyone has to do is look into it's funding sources and the people involved. Case in point, Tim Ballard has been proven to be a liar who fabricated virtually all the stories he tells about saving children. None of it ever happened. The Mormon Church has been involved in child trafficking for a very long time. Carlos Slim. Look him up.

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Look him up? Did you mean lock him up? :-)

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Amen! I read people that were investigating the Weiner lap top became physically Ill.

It’s nearly impossible to consider all this actually is taking place. However over the last 4 years it’s become apparent, so these are the days where all this evil is becoming known to us red pilling the us who even at this juncture find it hard to accept.

May God come and set fire to everyone who participates in such horrific acts. Adrenochrome is

Evidence that these people are vampires that seek their immortality in the blood of the innocent. One thing that is now happening is the more these heinous Godless acts are being exposed the better

We can move on to a promise of an earth we initially in our innocence expected. When I first read that some 800,000 children in the USA go missing every year astounded me. Now with the open invasion of our country they the evil are human trafficking right before everyone without much concern and arrogance. Ephesians 5:11. Our duty is to expose evil! Evil only exist in secrecy and shadows. The time is at hand to pray and speak truth to godless acts of wicked people!

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Is the claim about Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton really reliable? While I'd believe anything of Hillary, when I saw footage of Huma in the family home after the scandal with her husband she seemed genuinely mortified and she speaks about the discomfort of a man being inappropriate with her and being a virgin when she got married. OK, she worked very closely with Hillary and her husband is Weiner so you gotta wonder about her ... but I have to say she doesn't strike me as the sort of person who would engage in such horrific practices ... but then I struggle to understand how anyone would.

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…it’s mind boggling… but then you see the widely reported Spirit Cooking Parties, Podesta home artwork, etc etc etc … the concrete evidence of their proclivities… we ignore at our risk … NO TRUST OF ANY OF THEM OR THEIR ASSOCIATES

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You're right, kitten.

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in Wikileaks and lots more.

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As far as I know the Weiner laptop has never been released. All references to it, and stories about its contents are hearsay and likely psyops.

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Yep they always mix truth and lies.

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What would things look like without money in the mix? Where We ALL are living as richly as We choose with no money to hold Us down with...

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

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What a powerful ss exposé - It takes courage to even look at the mountains of information around this hideousness. I know how painful it is to research and write about it. It is the longest-running, never-ending unfathomable plague on this world.

Thank you for continuing to bring it into the light.

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BE CAREFUL in this area. take care kitten. I need to get some rest

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Oh dear, Kitten. So sickening.


"As one district mother put it during a Jan. 17 school board meeting: “Satan is a universal symbol for evil. If I have to explain any further why having a satanic club on a campus with 5- and 6-year-olds is wrong, there are bigger issues here.


Organizers stressed that they do not plan to recruit students or parents who do not want to be affiliated with their club. The Satanic Temple does not view Satan as a deity or otherwise supernatural figure, but instead as a symbol against societal norms, according to the organization’s teachings.


At the after-school club, children can expect to make friendship bracelets, paint kindness rocks and learn about STEM activities from vetted volunteers, according to the program description."

What does "a symbol against societal norms" mean and if in the afternoon club children will be making friendship bracelets and painting kindness rocks how is that against "societal norms"?

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Satan is a liar.

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In today's day & age Kitten, MEDIA is the biggest LIAR.

Satan=MEDIA Fox/666

Excellent article.

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Satan is the father of all lies!

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Well done Kitten!!

One of the reasons I gave up Sports. I love the game. I hate what it the superbowl has become.

I imagine most emergencies that are created to

Provide opportunities for sex child trafficking.

How evil man is and continues to act. The only way evil flourishes in the shadows of secrecy, therefore

Our charge to expose and shine lights … the king has no clothes.

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Our charge: Ephesians 5:11-14

Expose evil and soon enough it becomes

Visible. Anything visible becomes light

Bravo for carrying a torch into a dark world! Everyone is better for your efforts.

If not we, then who among us?

If we do not Love God then we can turn our heads and walk away.

Yet we can not unsee what is unseeable

And seize the day

And be fierce

And know Christ said “even you can do more than I”

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Good Sunday Kitten 🐱🙏

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Thank you, Kitten, for another great article. God Bless the children.

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Thank you for another wonderfully researched article, Kitten!

As for Tim Ballard and the Sound of Freedom:


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thank you for link… yes he’s compromised.

Operation Underground RR allegations

4th July movie psyop

Polaris/Clinton connections

also it was fishy how the movie was released through sale by Disney

all of them are creeps

Thanks again for referral to freepolitik Substack site …damning article about Tim Ballard CIA-WEF, Freemason, Henry Kissenger & Carlos Slim connections, Clinton’s , Slim funded his movie, Musk promo etc.:


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Agreed. If the nefarious didn’t want Sound of Freedom released, it wouldn’t have been shown anywhere.

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Epic post!

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Velvetine Rabbit book reveals all!


How to navigate a terrain full of manipulations of all sorts.

I’m weeding with you my friend

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Forgive my ignorance but what is the velvetine rabbit book?

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Thanks Rosalind💕

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All life is sacred @ Kitten’s Secret Garden.

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Kitten’s Sacred Garden is a well kept Secret.

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When I am feeling better I will tell you about a website called HEAVY is well known and talks about the Presidential "sex slavery" involving woman who were actually groomed to be "consorts' or sex slaves for all Presidents. a LONG STORY: I read the woman's book and was shocked. I am not feeling well today same old stomach issues.

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https://trance-formation.com.-----www.TRANCE.movie.——“TRANCE: The Cathy O’Briien Story”



How America was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad “Scientist” (Alfred Kinsey).

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NO wonder I'm not getting notifications...Turns out I'm Not subbed...How did THIS happen?

Oh well, Fixed THAT :)

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We aren't watching, to WOKE/CRT.


Historic Drop in Homicides Leaves Anti-Gunners Scrambling for New Talking Points


So does using the DP in a reasonable time frame, and in public.

Wait, jailing criminals stops them from committing crimes?

Did you know that arresting repeat criminals leads to crime going down? You can thank San Francisco for imparting this wisdom upon us all.


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Nice Post with lots of links, and of course some beautiful flowers to help ease the pain.

I've lost my interest in sports many years back, and the final straw was Randy Moss.


ESPN.com: NFL - Police: Moss used car to bump traffic control agent

"He's going to be treated like anybody else,'' Barrington said. Chief of Police

Here's the outcome, yup just like anybody else...right!!

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) _ Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Randy Moss pleaded guilty Thursday to two minor charges related to pushing a traffic officer with his car in downtown Minneapolis.

Three other counts, including a marijuana charge, were dismissed as part of a plea agreement.

Moss, who did not appear in court, was ordered to pay $1,200 in fines and sentenced to 30 days in jail by Hennepin County District Judge Mark Wernick. Moss was given two days' credit for time already served, and the rest of his sentence will be stayed as long as Moss doesn't commit any similar driving offenses, the judge said. Moss was also ordered to perform 40 hours of community service.


Football is by far the worst besides maybe the Olympics.

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The demon police chief and the oxymoron group,…………Masonic child rescuers,………….Masonic and child should not be allowed in the same sentence. Demon Masonic clubs must be extinguished. That is all.


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Fabulous work! Seems quite plausible Britni Turner of Aerial Recovery Group has crossed paths with David Lopez of Mission Safe Harbour? https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/medical-freedom-malfunction

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Monster of a post!

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