for a the past few weeks I’ve been fighting a sore throat that migrated into a head cold.
allowing myself to get run down, drained by the insanity of everything I became exhausted, susceptible.
as a super empath, the psychological war on us takes an outsized toll on me, protecting terrain has become a priority.
I believe it is the same for plants.
without proper nutrients, adequate clean water and clean air free from artificial particulates, microwave activities plants will also become stressed, susceptible to attack whether by imported globalist pests or globalist government mandated chemical applications.
a recent shocking headline,
do children eat real, natural fruits and vegetables anymore?
one of my neighbors has an Early Elberta peach tree. last year they shared the mouth watering delicious harvest which motivated me to plant some bareroot peaches and nectarines this past winter.
although the bareroot plants were budding and bloomed after planted, none of the flowers matured into fruit.
although curious it’s not unusual for fruit trees to establish a healthy root system before producing a reliable harvest.
what was unusual was that my neighbor’s peach tree which also bloomed failed to form fruit this year.
surveying the landscape we noticed other fruit trees (such as loquats) that weirdly have no fruit this year while citrus, pomegranate and guava yields seem relatively unaffected.
I brought up the possibility of the heavy atmospheric spraying early this year affecting spring fruit formation, flower drop.
Is this an effort to eradicate independent food sources within 15 minute zones?
or part of a wider goal to create artificial famine conditions?
If you live in a major metropolitan suburban area and have a backyard orchard have you noticed any anomalies in yields this year compared to previous years?
trust in “experts” has plummeted.
this is good news.
earlier this year I wrote an essay about the damnable, meaningless PCR test as the nexus to the pseudo C pandemic so you can imagine my reaction to the proposed PCR testing of citrus trees for “HLB or huanglongbing virus” using the same useless methodology.
This is another scam, the plant world comparable to the human world C PCR “diagnostic” & “treatment” program, the pseudo “vaccines” continuing to kill with elevated “excess” deaths and disability.
environmentally stressed trees exposed to the sap sucking imported Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) supposed HLB “virus” carrier are likely to suffer regardless of “treatment.”
the last time “treatment” was imposed was early 2020. at that time, unaware of the situation, my citrus trees were “treated” with the foliar spray, hundreds of yards of rubber tubing were snaked around the garden and spray applied haphazardly (I declined the systemic treatment.) subsequently the trees struggled with excessive leaf drop and are just now recovering.
No More.
FEMA involvement?
& Bayer treatment plans?
Wikipedia on neonicotinoid “treatments,”
PCR Diagnostics?
“Positive” trees quickly eradicated?
Locks and No Tresspassing signs will be going up.
I will be taking care of my organic garden the right way, without government “help.”
This is another unadvertised war, the war on the food supply.
something else you won’t hear about from the fake candidates on the fake campaign trail.
We live in the countryside in France. Some of the crops have done quite well, like the potatoes and tomatoes, but the seeds of the French beans didn't even germinate. The swet pea, which usually floods the garden with its scentat this time of the year has no perfume whatsoever and the flowers themselves are turning blue as they die off.
The chemtrails here are non stop over all the surrounding arable land and I reckon one of the aims may well be sterilisation of next years' seeds.
On a positive note, our Creator put a lot of work into His creation, and it is amazing. He's not going to let some demonic deviants destroy it. The only way round it is their destruction. I'm looking forward to that. :)
Yes they really are trying to kill us all and the alien nanobotskies will take over our flesh and blood.
The fruits, the birds, the veggies, the squirrels are all suffering.
Boil your water before you drink it.
ScKamala put me in jail, she wants prison and depopulation. Trump wants a hand job.
Vote for sanity and Womanity.