Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Dr. Nicholas Corrin is right. And so are you about the waste of tax money. This is just another scheme to transfer the hard-earned money of the citizens to those who own the science(tm) that proves whatever the government decides is in its best interest, not ours.

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Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Thanks, kitten. I feel it is crucial to never accept anything at face value that is theorized, constructed, or promoted by these black magicians and their cushy-job-keeping butt-buddy career clowns.

Case in point is the link you added below. Just looking at photos of those structures makes me wonder what their *actual* intended purposes are. Energy harvesters? Frequency generators/disruptors? The harm-intending possibilities are endless with these fuckers.

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✅ are fake models a means to an end?

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Sep 27Liked by kitten seeking answers

I have no doubt of the possibility that these creeps don't really have the devices they claim to have. Could be scare tactics, as this is typically enough to silence weak-minded people.

However, it's best IMHO to not take any chances with demonically possessed psychopaths!

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Sep 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

If you dig deeply enough you'll discover there are many of these facilities all around the world. Quite a few right here in the US. Built, standing fallow and, well, waiting. For what?

AND you are right, I think - what are they for? They are being hidden for a reason and it's not because everyone and their dog needs to collide atoms or study neutrinos.

What the hell are these things?

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15 hrs agoLiked by kitten seeking answers

"it's not because everyone and their dog needs to collide atoms or study neutrinos"

That made me almost snort coffee out of my nose.

And yes, "they" are hiding the true purpose(s) of these structures. They have to fuck with everything. They just tinker, tinker, tinker and cause trauma, trauma, trauma.

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13 hrs agoLiked by kitten seeking answers

I need to look at Revelations again. The parts where it describes the demons being loosed from underground. Cuz from memory alone, these colliders sound eerily familiar. I used to chuckle under my breath when various sorts would say CERN was a portal to hell. I'm not chuckling anymore. And if all the demons were loosed at once, it makes sense they'd have portals opening all around the world simultaneously for an equal opportunity worldwide demon infestation.

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10 hrs agoLiked by kitten seeking answers

Seems to me that A LOT of people have become demonically possessed over the last decade or so and I have no doubt that CERN plays a major role. I think terrible driving is one sign. I drove through a green light at an intersection yesterday and I saw in my rear view mirror that some chick narrowly missed hitting the car behind me as she blew a red light going perpendicular. And moving frighteningly FAST! I could see her and her passenger laughing hard inside the vehicle. I was like, WTF? Did they do that intentionally, or was it their demons? We have got to be ultra-aware all the time.

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God help us.

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5 hrs agoLiked by kitten seeking answers


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Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Seems like another endless money transfer from taxpayers to scientists playing around with physics. Maybe we need more circuses for them to join so they'll have something to do besides be money drains.

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Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Muon beams are not capable of imaging deep underground tunnels unless you have a detector assembly below, and the muon emitter be highly mobile. While slow due to low radiance, natural muons from the celestial hemisphere are at least near isotropic. Synthetic muons might conceivably be used as weapons to target deep underground chambers, tunnels, and Cathy O'Brien.

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Sep 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

"Synthetic muons might conceivably be used as weapons to target deep underground chambers, tunnels, and Cathy O'Brien."

LOL. Thank you for the belly laugh.

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Sep 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

There are quite a number of these facilities all around the world already in existence and ready to go.

One in Texas on the Southwestern side of the DFW metro area. In a little town named Cisco, the people who live there still speak of the people in the area being put to work on a large hadron collider. Just like CERN.

Under the Denver Airport is another. With some digging, I'm sure many more can be located throughout the US.

What are they really for? Obviously the answer to that question is why they are obscured and hidden from scrutiny.

Is the need to collide atoms or study neutrinos so pressing a number of these facilities are needed? Why are they built and standing fallow? What are they waiting for?

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Sep 27Liked by kitten seeking answers

if the tunnel geometry is inconsequential, why don't you connect Fermi Lab with the desk in oval office in White House in DC or with the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, ha?? Sorry, just joking.

Well, first I though such a clever answer, a chemist who knows more than any physicist out there, but then I looked up wiki and see you are mixing apples with pears, according to wiki.... My high energy knowledge ended in college when I saw all the many particles floating in the air and decided to look into a human decay in nursing home during the weekends, instead of studying the artificial decays... So don't take this part of my education seriously, just skipped the really high energy, too high for me. Anyway, from what I see, neutri-no is not a muon necessarily, and even less, if not at all, a pion... Are there single particles out there? We are told, yes. And do they fly on their own single pathway? Heisenberg answered it the best way, in my opinion. Any detector needs SPACE and thus will end up being a nondirectional chamber, except for lasers (the best one SLAC..), all pretty narrow in their scattering angles. Interesting you mention these mirror particles, had no clue about. If wiki is right (so many PhD thesis are based on it!!) then that statement "Modern physics deals with three basic types of spatial symmetry: reflection, rotation, and translation." is begging a question: where on earth in free space you have a reflecting plane??? How about the firmament, maybe....??? In tiny crystals yes, but not in a free space, by definition.. You see, my mind is narrow, and can't grasp much. How about making things simple, and make the electron universal? Depending on how fast, how far it oscillates, it can produce 'larger' or smaller particles, and so it's charge distribution, which reverses with its changed direction, meeting other electron.. Just dreaming.

Well, you forced me to go back to that 'high end' (the society driving it..) physics, thank you for that! In case you are real human, not AI or some CIA agent, and read this here, few questions;

1. what is Fwiw?

2. do you have the source of this 'You produce neutrinos every time 40-K or other beta-active nuclides in your body decay.' which explains it bit more?

Thank you in advance.

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Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Bravo Kitten! Thank you. Just want to add, Bravo used to be a brand of extremely good probiotics yoghurt containing GcMAF!! No 1 nutrient for autistic Children. The same GcMAF for which Dr. J.J. Bradstreet was murdered... Only because he was healing autistic children!!!

Anyway, neutrinos, the only one, apparently, which can cross anything, and are surrounding us everywhere, in small amounts (must be the part of the aether, the so non-existent according to the curly hair genius named Albert Ein-stein and the so existent according to Tesla), are a precious thing.

If you want to watch something , you need to build a detector for it to see it, so the largest for neutrinos is apparently in:

1. Antarctica (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IceCube_Neutrino_Observatory)

The list of places which detect and possibly produce neutrinos is big, here one can even use wi-ki:


The official SPENDING data, by the DOE for all their labs is at:


show actually larger sum spend for the Fermi construction..

It is NOT ONLY Fermi Lab. which swallows and ROBS the American citizens of their possessions, its all the 'national' HIGH ENERGY labs!!!! A good overview of that newest here mentioned (maybe CERN influenced..) construction is at:


If there is one reliable source of data showing what shape the Earth really has, it would be to look at the 3D geometry (angles) of those tunnels....

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Geometry of the tunnels is inconsequential. Muons cannot be directed that narrowly. How energetic do you expect those pions be? Quoting Wickedpedia, "When a cosmic ray proton impacts atomic nuclei in the upper atmosphere, pions are created. These decay within a relatively short distance (meters) into muons (their preferred decay product), and muon neutrinos. The muons from these high-energy cosmic rays generally continue in about the same direction as the original proton, at a velocity near the speed of light." "About" means inexact. Fwiw, my Dad's neutrino (actually muon) detector was in a rather nondirectional chamber.

Neutrinos are not the only entities which can cross anything. All mirror particles can. While the standard model presumes neutrinos be only left-handed, and presumes right-handed neutrinos be "sterile", I'm not convinced they be distinct from mirror antineutrinos.

You produce neutrinos every time 40-K or other beta-active nuclides in your body decay.

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Sep 27Liked by kitten seeking answers

if the tunnel geometry is inconsequential, why don't you connect Fermi Lab with the desk in oval office in White House in DC or with the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, ha?? Sorry, just joking.

Well, first I though such a clever answer, a chemist who knows more than any physicist out there, but then I looked up wiki and see you are mixing apples with pears, according to wiki.... My high energy knowledge ended in college when I saw all the many particles floating in the air and decided to look into a human decay in nursing home during the weekends, instead of studying the artificial decays... So don't take this part of my education seriously, just skipped the really high energy, too high for me. Anyway, from what I see, neutri-no is not a muon necessarily, and even less, if not at all, a pion... Are there single particles out there? We are told, yes. And do they fly on their own single pathway? Heisenberg answered it the best way, in my opinion. Any detector needs SPACE and thus will end up being a nondirectional chamber, except for lasers (the best one SLAC..), all pretty narrow in their scattering angles. Interesting you mention these mirror particles, had no clue about. If wiki is right (so many PhD thesis are based on it!!) then that statement "Modern physics deals with three basic types of spatial symmetry: reflection, rotation, and translation." is begging a question: where on earth in free space you have a reflecting plane??? How about the firmament, maybe....??? In tiny crystals yes, but not in a free space, by definition.. You see, my mind is narrow, and can't grasp much. How about making things simple, and make the electron universal? Depending on how fast, how far it oscillates, it can produce 'larger' or smaller particles, and so it's charge distribution, which reverses with its changed direction, meeting other electron.. Just dreaming.

Well, you forced me to go back to that 'high end' (the society driving it..) physics, thank you for that! In case you are real human, not AI or some CIA agent, and read this here, few questions;

1. what is Fwiw?

2. do you have the source of this 'You produce neutrinos every time 40-K or other beta-active nuclides in your body decay.' which explains it bit more?

Thank you in advance.

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Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

I watched a CERN ceremony where they have their collider, it was pure evil on parade. 7 stories high underground playing with smashing an atom to open the gates of hell. Call the ghostbusters.

Yeah just another grifting official highly suspicious


Demons worshipping their technology. Who actually approves these things?

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Don't know about the "demon" aspect but I don't like people messing around with stuff that nobody understands just because they are getting the funding.

I do like this remark of yours Kitten dear; "likable” State public relations cartoon characters, Musk for example".

I might use that cartoon allusion.

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