May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Trump is in it well over His head. He's just playing His part in the production the psychopaths in control are putting on for Us (the participatory audience) on the LITERAL world STAGE. When appointed again, He will oversee the mess being offered up to the UN/WHO/WEF.

Why People cannot see the show for what it is amazes Me... "I'm for Trump! He'll make America great again!!!" [facepalm!]

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

It is incredible. He brought America the warp speed shots. People are dying. Pictures of him at the Wailing Wall... His ties to, and support of Zionist Jews... The list goes on but yeah, Trump is one of us. Laughable. How can these people claim to be awake to the charade and not see it's all two wings of the same shitbird.

Same goes for Pollievre in Canada. They are not our saviours. They are part of the psy- op

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Indeed, all the "leaders" on Our planet are part of the production. The controlminds (governments) around the globe are all for-profit corporations, and they're all owned by the same Ones. And those Ones likely have names like Orsini and Medici... (Rome never died...)

They (the psychopaths in control) write the script, cast the actors, and direct from the wings. The actors perform to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions (MAGA!!!) and drag Us where They (the psychopaths in control) want Us.

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

I think there may be a FEW leaders, maybe in Africa, that are not part of the Play.

Butt I donut know.

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

I do think all controlminds (governments) on the planet are for-profit corporations owned by the same Ones, and perhaps those "leaders" did not grasp the actual position They held... Who knows, eh?

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May 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

Yeah, I think so. Ever heard of the "Black Nobility"?

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May 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

I have been steeped in "conspiracy theory" since before 9-11. LOL! Yes, names like Orsini and Medici come to mind...

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

I keep telling people, to no avail of course, Never Trust A Rich Man. There may be one or two that are decent, but... donut trust 'em anyway.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Thank you Amaterasu.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers


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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

At this point, Trump has no competition. Biden's replacement will have to count on the courts to keep President Trump at bay.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

It would not matter whether He has "competition." The for-profit corporation, UNITED STATES INC., appoints its officers (including CEO), holds "elections" to keep the illusion We have a say going, "counts" the "votes," and tells Us who "won" (who They appointed).

The "polls" I have seen suggest They're running neck and neck-ish. This is so that if They have reappoints the actor in a Biden mask, They will have plausible deniability. But I do not know anyOne who still clings to the government illusion that says They want Biden.

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers


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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

There are three people in the world that think Biden is fit to be president and that he should run again in 2024. These three are Dr. Jill, Hunter, and Joe.

We accept the fact that elections are fixed and some people want to correct that. Regardless, the rulers of the world will decide how we live and whether we live.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

If We let Them, yes. My work is about solving for those psychopaths in control.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

Solving for Poverty (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-poverty

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

I like you better every 10 minutes or so.

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers


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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

Not if we refuse to cooperate.

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

HA! You kiddin moi?

I'm tired of being part of this fake thing they do, aren't you?

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May 30Liked by kitten seeking answers

This did not "track" to the right source... I was responding to Charles' comment about relying on the courts...


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May 25·edited May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

A flower from my garden for my favourite kitten and her readers:


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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Wow, so wishing I didn’t read this at 1:00 am. Three thoughts, 1. This is really an invasion & we are heading for civil war. 2. If you read Derek Johnson or listen to the X22 Report, & some others, you will know that we are watching something play out right in front of our faces, & most of us don’t see it. (The takedown of the deep state all over the world, military occupation & continuity of government.) 3. Led into by #2, Every migrant has to keep that cell phone with that app in order to get access to their goodies. This will also lead Border Patrol & Military exactly to their locations to get them & mass deport them out of the country &/or arrest the known criminals & take them to Gitmo. Just like President Trump says…..”the largest mass deportations in American history.”

In order to keep my sanity I cannot allow myself to accept #1. And most importantly, I see evidence of the take down of the deep state all over the world all the time. Resignations of CEO’S, of huge Corporations, head of Banking & Trading companies, Klaus Schwab resigning, changes in the monetary system around the world, very conservative Presidents being elected, ie. President Milei of Argentina,Orbán etc. The failure of the WHO to reach agreement with countries on their attempted takeover of the world with their Pandemic Treaty, human trafficking rings being broken up & taken down. Pedophiles at schools being fired & losing their jobs & elsewhere. So I’m hopeful, after all.

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sorry, really hope you’re right but i don’t have a good feeling about it.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

When We look at things on Our planet going on on the (literal) world STAGE, it is clear that anyOne We see there is part of the play. They give Us stuff to build hopium with, but then will dash it...

Don't expect Trump to keep any promises made on the "campaign" trail. Do remember... He appointed the swamp, and - even at His inaugural luncheon - praised Killary and Bill...

There will be no deportations. 20,000 to 1.

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

I'm hopeful, too. And I think it's important to KEEP some hope, because I think it makes a difference.

I also think there MIGHT be some trouble, but I am not willing to put a lot of FEELING into that because that feeds the vibe for negative, instead of positive.... Magical thinking? Why not, we live in a magical world.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

It's good to be hopeful. Positive thoughts make people happy.

That being said, Amerika has become the world's center of depravity and waste. When Taiwan is invaded, our military girly boys will be sitting at computer consoles, pushing buttons that launch missiles. The BRICS will win WW III. Amerika's takeover of Ukraine in 2012 has led to the world's current crises.

It's a shame that Biden sold our Strategic Oil Reserves.

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May 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Too many people are armed angry and at a point in time able enough to do anything they can do to stop the spread of the globalist narrative

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Jun 3Liked by kitten seeking answers

GREAT post, with all answers to the questions 'YES'. Don't know how could I have missed it..

Trump=Trojan Horse 1

Biden=Trojan Horse 2

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May 29Liked by kitten seeking answers

Beautiful rose!

Yes, is the answer. Oh, via your "smart phone," but not just that.

And again, yes, yes, yes.

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May 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

As you say, military age men, have a use by date.

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May 26Liked by kitten seeking answers

Love you. Thanks for being in the world. If you are ever in Oregon you have a home to stay in. Today I was stopped in a long line at a red light going down a hill and for some reason I thought, well this could be it. What if the light never turns green again. We all just step out of the cars and walk home...

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

I've never thought about J6 as a test run before but it certainly makes sense.

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May 25Liked by kitten seeking answers

Deep! It’s crazy how it’s right in plain sight, yet so few see

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